Flagstaff, AZ: Carpet Repair

Flagstaff, AZ: Carpet Repair

Our customer in Flagstaff had pet damage up to tile and needed her carpet repaired. Our experienced technician cut out the damaged area and permanently grafted in a new section making the carpet look 90% better. We also provide additional services such as carpet...

Flagstaff, AZ: Carpet Repair

Our repeat customer called us out to his home after a plumber had accidentally bleached and then cut out a section of his Berber carpet. Our technician was able to use the customer’s extra carpet for the specialty repair. The tech permanently grafted in the...
Flagstaff, AZ: Carpet Repair

Flagstaff, AZ: Carpet Repair

Carpet Repair is one of our specialties and we are happy to be able to offer this service to our clients in need.  This client in Flagstaff was in need of a carpet repair due to pet damage at their sliding glass door. Our experienced technician cut out the damaged...
Flagstaff, AZ: Carpet Stretching and Cleaning

Flagstaff, AZ: Carpet Stretching and Cleaning

Our repeat customer in Flagstaff, AZ called us back out to her home to carpet stretch and clean her loft. She removed all of her furniture prior to our arrival. Our experienced technician was then able to stretch the carpet with a power stretching tool. This tool...
Kirkland, AZ: Carpet Repair

Kirkland, AZ: Carpet Repair

It’s bad enough when your pet damages the carpet in your home but it’s even worse when he does it in your friend’s home! That’s what happened to our client in Kirkland. He went over to his friend’s house with his dog who got bored and...