Prescott, AZ: Berber Carpet Repair

Prescott, AZ: Berber Carpet Repair

You wouldn’t think that there is ever a real carpet emergency but if you have Berber carpet and it gets snagged or pulled up then that is exactly what you have; a Berber carpet emergency. Berber is a term used to describe loop carpet which can be traced back to...
Flagstaff, AZ: Patterned Carpet Repair

Flagstaff, AZ: Patterned Carpet Repair

If you find yourself in need of a carpet repair and you have patterned or Berber carpet you will need to make sure you find a company that specializes in these kinds of repairs. This is detail orientated work and the patterns need to match up exactly. Northern Arizona...
Flagstaff, AZ: Carpet Repair

Flagstaff, AZ: Carpet Repair

This client scheduled an appointment with us for a 4″x4″ carpet repair from some pet damage. Using his spare carpet from when the carpet was installed we were able to cut out the damaged area and permanently graft in the new carpet making the carpet look...